The Sahara Wind project presented at the European Parliament

European Parliement Building BrusselsAt the invitation of Green MEP Claude Turmes, the Sahara Wind project is presented at the European Parliament in Brussels on June 20th, 2002.

The presentation was followed by a question session, raising a numbers of technical issues. To assist in answering them Khalid Benhamou, Managing Director of Sahara Wind was accompanied by Dr. Gregor Czisch who holds a PhD in electrical engineering. The latter was obtained on a "Scenarios for a Future Electricity Supply – Cost-Optimized Approaches to Supplying Europe and its Neighbours with Electricity from Renewable Energies" thesis dissertation, for which he was awarded a summa cum laude distinction. Ahead of the Johannesburg Sustainable Energy Conference of 2002, the Sahara Wind project was presented to the European Parliament as a joint alternative in response to clean energy access and development challenges of the African continent.

1st World Renewable Energy Policy and Strategy Forum 2002

WCRE-Logo-2002Sahara Wind at the 1st World Renewable Energy Policy and Strategy Forum 2002- Renewable Energies: Agenda 1 of the Agenda 21, Berlin June 13-15th, 2002

The Forum enabled the elaboration of an Action Plan for the Global Proliferation of Renewable Energy. The document states the critical link between energy systems and the development of societies. Limits of the fossil/nuclear energy system were made relevant compared to Renewable Energy as a possible complete alternative. This laid the ground of a new energy paradigm. As a result, a set of recommendations were elaborated to facilitate this historical energy transition.

Sahara Wind project presented at 3rd Africa-US Ministerial Conference

AFRICA-US.Ministerial.2002The Sahara Wind project presented at the Renewable Energy for Africa session of the 3rd Africa-US Energy Ministerial Conference, June 2002 in Casablanca, Morocco.

Attended by Energy Ministers of Africa and the U.S. Secretary of Energy under the theme 'Energy Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Energy Security and Regional Integration' the conference focused on the development of the energy sector in African economies. Its objective is to support accessible, environmentally safe, and affordable energy supplies on the continent. The conference aimed at enhancing the dialogue among public and private sector representatives on key energy issues. It also reaffirmed the importance of the U.S.-African Energy Ministerial processes in its ability to help promote democracy, good governance, human rights, trade investment, and global integration.

EU-Marokko Stromimporte als Zugang an kostengünstiges Windstrom

Scriftliche Anfrage and die kommission - Sahara Wind projekt Stromimport

Auf Wunsch von Khalid Benhamou, Geschäftsführer von Sahara Wind Schriftliche Anfrage im März 1999 von Herrn Dietrich Elchlepp Mitglied des Europäischen Parlament an der EU-Kommission in Bezug auf die Möglichkeit der Finanzierung einer Machbarkeitsstudie um Windstrom aus der Sahara Küste in das europäische Netz zu importieren. "…um eine wichtige Voraussetzung für eine kostengünstige und umweltfreundliche  Stromerzeugung mit Hilfe von großflächigen Windenergieanlagen in der äußerst windreichen westlichen  Sahara zu schaffen?“ Diese Frage wurde auf Antrag von Khalid Benhamou, Geschäftsführer von Sahara Wind gefragt.

First Wind turbine on a Sahara coastline Wind-Diesel test site

AOC 15/50 Wind turbine on Sahara CoastlineNorth Africa's first 50 kW class wind turbine powering a Wind-Diesel-Hybrid test site by Tiniguir. Erected in 1995 under supervision of Khalid Benhamou, director of the Sahara Wind project (up-right) the system powers an agricultural farm of the ‘Domaines Agricoles’. Built around a 50 kW AOC wind turbine coupled to diesel generators, the combination feeds variable loads through a 5000 Volts distribution grid spread over a few Kilometers. The objective of the test site is to assess wind energy, turbine technologies, electric load controls and management, grids and their applications for local, distributed and energy-intensive uses.


High-level Report on Saharan wind energy potential

Cover of the High-level Report on the wind energy potential in the Sahara with local applications to support sustainable development. Authored by Khalid Benhamou, Managing Director of the Sahara Wind project, the report is submitted to King Hassan II of Morocco on February 19th, 1994.

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