Essaouira’s Salt Domes GreenH2 Storage

Sahara Wind presents Morocco’s Massive Green Hydrogen Storage Hub by Essaouira, March 02 2023

As part of the ‘Energy crisis and climate change: challenges and opportunities for Morocco’ AjiTafham Workshop organized by the CI2RC of the Higher School of Technology of Essaouira [ESTE], Sahara Wind presented its recent findings on storing pressurized green hydrogen in deep salt domes. In a study funded by the World Bank/ESMAP for MASEN, Sahara Wind identified one of Africa’s largest geological salt dome formations by Essaouira which can be used for storing massive amounts of green hydrogen production generated on the Sahara coastline. Connected to regional underutilized pipeline networks, pressurized green hydrogen can be delivered seasonally to meet Africa and Europe’s rising needs.

Massive Green Hydrogen Storage

Sahara Wind at Solaire Expo Maroc in Casablanca, February 22 2023

Sahara Wind presents Morocco’s Green Hydrogen storage options in salt caverns for their export through existing underutilized gas pipeline networks. This was assessed as part of the ‘GREEN HYDROGEN OPPORTUNITIES FOR MOROCCO’ study funded by the World Bank on behalf of Morocco’s Agency for Sustainable Energy MASEN. Available bedded and dome rock salt deposits enable massive seasonal storage of pressurized Green Hydrogen in deep hollowed dry caverns. Generated on the Sahara coastline and connected to Africa and Europe’s expanding pipeline networks, green hydrogen can be delivered on demand to both markets as presented under ‘Morocco’s accelerated green hydrogen transition’ at Solaire Expo Maroc.

Sahara Wind at MEDays2022

Sahara Wind at MEDays2022, Tangier Morocco, November 02-05 2022

The 14th edition of MEDays International ForumThe Southern Forum’ of the Institut Amadeus held in Tangier, Morocco, gathered over 230 high-level panelists amongst which several heads of governments, ministers and over 5000 participants. Held under the theme ‘FROM CRISES TO CRISES: TOWARDS A NEW WORLD ORDER?​’, Khalid Benhamou, CEO of Sahara Wind moderated a series of MEDays Sessions, Discussion Panels and Round Tables. Debates by Prominent Speakers from All Continents covered topics such as: New Energy Order, African Geopolitics, Think Tanks 4.0, Climate Diplomacy and Diplomacy in the Era of Global Challenges. Available for viewing, these can be accessed below.

Accelerating Morocco’s Energy Transition

‘Accelerating the Energy Transition in Morocco’ Rabat, October 04 2022

Organized by RES4Africa under the theme “Accelerating the Energy Transition in Morocco: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World’ this event brough together national stakeholders with expert inputs from both side of the Mediterranean. Morocco’s energy transition constraints, long-term vision, balance of policies, electric system evolution, innovative technologies and continental implications were analyzed and debated in dedicated lively panels sessions.

Sahara Wind at CIGRE 2022 Session

Opening Ceremony of the CIGRE2022 Paris Session, August 28 2022

Under its ‘Business transformation upon the electrical power industry’ theme, the CIGRE2022 CEO forum enabled industry executives to discuss challenges and opportunities of sustainability, governance shifts, digitization, fuel transformation, and high penetrations of renewable energy in the power sector. During this session and beyond price parity, Sahara Wind highlighted the range of additional opportunities provided by green hydrogen compared to fossil-based (blue) hydrogen. An energy transition can hardly be achieved without it.

Green-Hydrogen assets

Sahara Wind presents North Africa’s assets in the green-hydrogen energy transition at WWEC2022 in Rimini Italy, June 28th 2022

With the roll-out of Morocco’s green-hydrogen roadmap, massive amounts of renewable energies will be put on-line. Sahara Wind presented key assets in Green-H2 generation, storage and transmission for local uses and exports to Europe. The regional prospects include Mauritania’s iron-ore and Morocco’s global phosphate based fertilizer industries. This comprehensive outlook predisposes the region for generating and delivering the world’s most competitive green-Hydrogen.

Africa Energy Debate

Sahara Wind at the Africa Energy Debate, April 25 2022

Africa faces population growth with a significant energy deficit, as 655 million people would be without electricity by 2030. With energy access and transition challenges, the on-line Africa Energy Debate focused on the best strategies available for developing and financing energy infrastructure in Africa. Merging regional HVDC transmission with Green Hydrogen synergies, the Sahara Wind project was presented as a case study.

Energy Outlook to 2035

Morocco’s Energy Transition Conference in Rabat, March 14, 2022

Sahara Wind at the 15th Energy Conference under the theme "Energy Transition: Progress Report and Perspectives for 2035". Organized by Morocco’s Energy Federation with the support of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, this event brought together officials, speakers and participants from the entire energy sector at national and international levels. The United Arab Emirates was the conference's guest of honor.

Powering global energy transitions

Sahara Wind at WWEC 2021, New Delhi November 24-26 2021

Under the theme ‘Powering the World with Wind and Sun’ at the 19th World Wind Energy Conference WWEC2021 key stakeholders presented the latest wind energy updates. With green-hydrogen storage balancing its Multi-GW HVDC transmission line, Sahara Wind presented ‘How Africa’s Mega-Projects pave the way to a global energy transition’. As can be attested by Morocco’s pioneering wind energy figures and its ambitious green hydrogen road map, the region is set for major energy transition breakthroughs.

Africa Green Hydrogen Forum

Sahara Wind's regional capacity building at the Africa Green Hydrogen Forum, November 22 2021

By deploying Africa’s 1st Wind-Hydrogen systems on university campuses in Morocco and Mauritania with co-funding from NATO in 2012, Sahara Wind paved the way for today’s regional energy transition. At the Africa Green Hydrogen Forum, multiple green hydrogen synergies leveraged by Sahara Wind’s HVDC transmission line were demonstrated during a dedicated session.

Morocco’s clean fuel roadmap

Presentation of Morocco’s clean fuel production roadmap

Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the MENA-Fuels research project provides orientation knowledge for projects that envisage the MENA region as a resource supplier for synthetic fuels. The green production and transport of electricity, hydrogen, intermediate products or fuels from the MENA region are evaluated with an in-depth analysis carried out as part of three country-case studies in the MENA region. During the on-line presentation of Morocco’s clean fuel road map, Sahara Wind introduced its activities supporting the country’s green hydrogen production modeling with various scenario analyses.

Green Hydrogen Access to Desalinated Water

Sahara Wind’s scaled-up access to desalinated water at the “Green Hydrogen Policies in the MENA Region” Workshop, June 22 2021

Organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, this regional workshop on Green Hydrogen Policies in the MENA region focused on three main topics. The State of the Art of Green Hydrogen Strategies, National Hydrogen Plans in MENA countries and Potential Hydrogen-Water-Climate Nexus in the MENA region. Green hydrogen consumes 1000 times more electricity than what is required to desalinate water as its electrolysis feedstock. Critical to power the region’s desalination plants, “Green Hydrogen Scaling-up Access to Desalinated Water: Case Study of the Sahara Wind HVDC Transmission Project” was presented last, concluding the workshop. This online event brought together senior regional and international experts.

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