Sahara Wind project driving wind energy on the African continent: AfDB Study Examines the Role of Wind Energy in Africa’s Economic Growth

In its  new study entitled “Development of Wind Energy in Africa” the African Development Bank Examined the Role of Wind Energy in Africa’s Economic Growth. North Africa is, to date, the only part of the continent which has been able to create mechanisms designed to develop the market for this type of renewable energy drawn directly from wind. It is followed by the regions of East Africa and southern Africa respectively. It is envisaged that 16 projects, currently being implemented in various African countries, will generate a further capacity estimated at one Gigawatt.

In addition to this, the Sahara Wind project is expected to generate at least five Gigawatts of electricity, impacting Africa's wind energy perspectives significantly according to the report's experts. The African Development Bank is one of the financial institutions investing in the development of infrastructures on the continent.It emphasizes a need to mobilize further resources to develop the wind energy market. According to the report, this market has been identified as one of the principal catalysts of the socio-economic development in the continent.

 Wind energy represents “an original approach” for African countries seeking to ensure sustainable economic growth. The authors emphasized that public authorities needed to take a leading role in encouraging economic operators in the private sector to invest in this area. The challenge to be faced is for local communities in Africa to grasp the opportunities and take ownership of these kinds of projects. Efforts are needed to implement a system for interaction, with mapping and a database, on the availability of potential developments in wind energy.