"Large-scale integration of wind power" at WWEC2010

The Sahara Wind project presented as "Large-scale integration of wind power" at the 9th World Wind Energy Conference in Istanbul, Turkey

World Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition WWEC, the leading event in wind energy, taking place in a different continent each year, was held in Istanbul, Turkey from June 15-17th 2010.

WWEC2010, the 9th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, set up a platform where major players of wind energy technologies, industries and policies gathered together to share the latest technologies and information affecting strategic decisions. The special focus was on how to integrate large capacities of wind power into existing grid infrastructure and how to adjust grid capacities. Turkey with 80 GW wind projects waiting for permission is an excellent example for the corresponding challenges and opportunities.

MENA Power 2010

Sahara Wind at the MENA Power 2010: A Middle East & North Africa Technology and Projects Forum, Conrad Cairo Hotel, Cairo, Egypt - May 24-26, 2010.

MENA POWER 2010 matched MENA policy makers and project stakeholders in the electric power sector with U.S. providers of equipment and service solutions.  To facilitate these opportunities, more than 30 power projects were presented at the Forum  in areas such as gas-fired combined cycle, solar, wind, hydro, biomass, integrated desalination/power, rural electrification, transmission and distribution upgrades and regional interconnection.

Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) electricity demand is growing annually at a rate of 5-6% due to high population growth and energy intensive industrialization. As power demand continues to grow, the Middle East and North Africa Region will need to build new power plants, increase the efficiency of existing plants and transmission and distribution systems, and diversify its energy sources. This presents significant opportunities for U.S. companies that provide products and services to the power sector.

World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010

WHEC 2010

The Sahara Wind project presented at the World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2010

"The Regional Hydrogen Roadmap Project Development Framework for the Sahara Wind Project" was presented during the Renewable Primary Energy Potential for Hydrogen Production session of the 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference on May 19th 2010 in Essen, Germany.

A reliable energy supply is a necessary precondition for social wellbeing and economic prosperity. The present fossil-fuel-based energy system is relatively inefficient and has been identified as the major cause of global climate change and local air pollution. Furthermore, such fuels are subject to supply-security issues associated with price fluctuations. Today, government, industry and the scientific community are striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Alternative sources of primary energy and energy-efficiency measures are now being harnessed with a view to improving energy-supply security.

Hydrogen has excellent prospects as an energy hub for a wide range of energy applications in transport and both stationary and portable power generation. Intensive worldwide efforts have resulted in significant advances in technologies used in the supply and use of hydrogen. In view of the many remaining unresolved issues, there is still a strong need for further scientific and technical progress.

Conference on the Mediterranean Solar Plan

Sahara Wind at the Renewable Energies for the Mediterranean conference (Valencia, Spain 11th-12th May 2010).

The Mediterranean Solar Plan, born under the scope of the “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)”, and launched in July 2008, is one of the strategic processes for sustainable development facing the foreseeable increase of energy demand in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and the need to cut back greenhouse effect gas emissions.

Its main objective is to develop of 20 GW of renewable electricity capacity on the South Shore of the Mediterranean, as well as the necessary infrastructures for the electricity interconnection with Europe. The Plan also envisages Saving and Energy Efficiency, as well as Technology Transfer.

A key element for the development of this Plan is the establishment of a suitable, new regulatory framework to promote the establishment of renewable energies, and facilitating the exchange of electricity.

The Mediterranean Solar Plan must be a huge step ahead in the development of the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation policy in the field of energy, started with the Barcelona process in 1995, integrated in the European Neighbourhood Policy since 2007 and reinforced with the creation of the Union for the Mediterranean since 2008.

Sahara Wind Presented at 12th IPHE ILC/SC meeting

The Sahara Wind project presented at the joint 12th IPHE Implementation Liaison (ILC) & Steering Committee (SC) Meeting in Washington D.C., USA.

The Background & Perspectives of the NATO Science for Peace SfP-982620 Sahara Trade Winds to Hydrogen Project have been presented during the Joint 12th International Partnership for a Hydrogen Economy (IPHE) Implementation and Liaison (ILC) & Steering Committee (SC) held from December 1-3, 2009 in Washington, D.C., USA.

New Seat and Director General for IRENA


Sahara Wind observer at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) second session of the Preparatory Commission in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

IRENA which was officially established in Bonn on January 26 2009, comprises more then 136 Member countries. During the event, the Signatories designated Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, as the interim headquarters.

At the same time it was decided that Bonn will host IRENA’s centre of technology and innovation and that in Vienna the Agency’s liaison office for cooperation with other organisations active in the field of renewables will be established. This reflects the spirit of cooperation that is needed for IRENA to grow into a strong and effective organisation. 

The Preparatory Commission also designated Ms. Hélène Pelosse as the first head of the emerging Agency during its second session in Sharm El Sheikh on 29 June 2009.

Four candidates with outstanding profiles and strong backgrounds in the field of renewable energy were nominated by the Member States for the position. After a close and fair election, the French candidate Ms. Hélène Pelosse was appointed by the Signatories as the first Interim Director-General of IRENA.

Athens Summit 2009, May 12-13 2009, Greece

Sahara Wind at the Athens Summit 2009 - The Road to Copenhagen: Managing Climate Change & Energy Security in Southeast Europe and Beyond 12th–13th May 2009, Athens, Greece

Hosted by FT Global Events in association with the Institute for Climate and Energy Security and C&C International Group of Companies, the summit brought together senior governmental officials, corporate leaders, financiers and experts to debate and discuss how the twin goals of energy security and managing climate change could be achieved to the benefit of all.

Sourcing and securing energy supplies and meeting climate change targets continue to be a top priority for policy makers around the world, despite the economic challenges.

Nomination for World Technology Award April 28, 2009

World Technology Network logo

Nomination for Prestigious World Technology Award

April 28, 2009

The World Technology Award Honors individuals for their Innovative work with the Greatest Likely Long-Term Significance.The World Technology Network (WTN) announced that Khalid Benhamou of Sahara Wind Inc. has been selected as a nominee for a 2009 World Technology Award, presented by the World Technology Network, in association with TIME magazine, Fortune magazine, and Science magazine, among others. Khalid Benhamou is eligible to be selected as the Winner of the 2009 World Technology Award in the category of “Social Entrepreneurship.”

Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel / Grundsteinlegung für Hybridkraftwerk

Aus der Internet Seite: https://www.bundeskanzlerin.de

Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel anlässlich der Grundsteinlegung für das Hybridkraftwerk der ENERTRAG AG

Di, 21.04.2009 gehalten in Prenzlau
Sehr geehrter Herr Müller,
lieber Herr Ministerpräsident Matthias Platzeck,
liebe Kollegen aus dem Deutschen Bundestag und aus dem Landtag,
Herr Wirtschaftsminister,
liebe Gäste
und natürlich die Vertreter der örtlichen Instanzen,

Ich bin sehr gerne hierher gekommen – Katharina Reiche hatte mir schon vor geraumer Zeit von diesem Projekt berichtet. Ich bin natürlich auch hier, weil ich immer gerne in die Uckermark komme, und freue mich, wenn hier etwas Zukunftsweisendes passiert. Das ist mit dieser Grundsteinlegung heute der Fall. Ich bin auch sehr gerne hierher gekommen, weil Grundsteinlegungen und Investitionen in Zeiten, wie wir sie im Augenblick haben, Signale der Hoffnung, Signale der Zukunft sind.

Follow-up meeting of NATO SfP-982620 project, February 12-13 2009, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, Morocco

Follow-up meeting of NATO SfP-982620 project with members from four NATO countries (United States, France, Germany, Turkey) associating Morocco and Mauritania.

As part of NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue countries project management mechanims, the meeting was held at Al Akhawayn University of Ifrane on February 12-13 2009. The first follow-up meeting of NATO Science for Peace SfP-982620 "Sahara Trade Winds to Hydrogen: Applied Research for Sustainable Energy Systems" project is part of the 'Science for Peace and Security' initiative linking NATO and Mediterranean Dialogue countries. The Sahara Wind Inc. company coordinates this applied research project on a regional basis. The latter established industrial synergies aimed at co-developing new energy technologies in Morocco and Mauritania.

Arabian Power and Water Summit, Abu Dhabi

Arabian Power & Water Summit Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi March 30 - 31 2009.

Presented during the Arabian Power & Water Summit panel discussion, the Sahara Wind project enabled participants to debate challenges and opportunities in the energy and renewables sector. The event gathered key industry players in the Persian Gulf region.

The Arabian Power & Water Summit was attended by over 400 senior level delegates and guests, with 58 industry-leading speakers, in 8 panel sessions, focusing on current relevant issues, including privatization, alternative energies and the sustainability of energy systems.

European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC 2009), France

Sahara Wind at the European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC 2009) in Marseille, France on March 16 - 19 2009.

EWEC 2009 featured leading political figures, delivering their vision on the future of wind power from national, European and global perspectives. Visionary figures from the wind industry and finance sector discussed how harnessing wind energy on a large scale can address the compelling challenges of global warming and energy security. Focusing on grid integration, offshore, wind turbine technology and wind plant operation, the technology panel session at EWEC 2009 offered a variety of perspectives from all parts of the wind energy industry.

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