The Sahara Wind project presented at WWEC2013 in Havana, Cuba

WWEC2013.logoThe Sahara Wind project presented at the XII World Wind Energy Conference in Havana, Cuba on June 3rd 2013.

Under “Supporting an Integrated Access to North Africa’s Trade Wind Resources" the Sahara Wind project was presented during the conference's first Session on Local, national and regional policies, barriers, incentives. The WWEC2013 Conference recognized that training and education have to be key elements of a strategy that aims at mainstreaming wind power and support the initiative focused to create the Latin American Center for Capacity Building, Research and Scientific Information launched by CETER.

Maghreb Renewables 2013

The Sahara Wind project presented at the Maghreb Renewable Energy Congress, Bringing together North Africa's Leading solar and wind power conferences 21—22 May 2013, Rabat, Morocco

The Maghreb Renewable Energy Congress combined Solar Maghreb and Wind Maghreb into a single larger event. The event provided key opportunities for the renewable industry to meet and formulate the next steps for driving the region’s wind power market. The event brought together key stakeholders from government, industry, investors and international development for 2 days of high level meetings, networking and discussion.

The high-quality event focused on the Maghreb with first-class exhibition and networking opportunities. It assembled key stakeholders from the governments, finance, project developers and the world’s leading wind power companies.

Mécanismes de transfert d’énergie électrique entre pays du nord et du sud, quels enjeux pour le Maroc ?

Présentation au CDG-Institut.29.04.2013Le projet Sahara Wind présenté à l’Institut CDG le lundi 29 avril 2013 à Rabat.

En présence de M. Benoit Thomazo, Directeur Interconnexions au sein de la société Electricité de France (EDF), le projet Sahara Wind, qui vise à intégrer les Alizées Atlantique du Sahara dans le système énergétique Nord-africain et Euro-méditerranéen à été présenté lors de cette conférence.

Cette rencontre a ainsi permis de croiser deux points de vue : celui d’un potentiel producteur/exportateur et celui d’un importateur d’électricité verte. L’Association Marocaine des Anciens de Science de Po (AMASP), en collaboration avec l’Institut CDG a organisé cette rencontre, dans le cadre du cycle de conférences portant sur les déséquilibres de la balance commerciale marocaine lancé en 2012.

Euro-Mediterranean Energy Day


Sahara Wind at the European Union / Union for the Mediterranean: A common energy future

Organized jointly by Medgrid and the European Parliament, the objective of the EURO-MEDITERRANEAN – RENDEZ-VOUS on ENERGY was to Promote and impulse the development of the electric interconnections between Europe and countries of the South and East of the Mediterranean countries. The conference supported interconnection projects in the Mediterranean and was a major Forum for the key players of these projects.

This conference took place on Thursday April 11th, 2013  at the European Parliament, in Brussels. It was held under the high patronage of Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean.

This Euro-Mediterranean rendez-vous presented the socioeconomic context and the political stakes in the energy cooperation between the European Union and the countries of the South and the East of the Mediterranean Sea, by putting in perspective the projects of Mediterranean electric interconnections.

Power Industry North Africa 2013

Power Industry North Africa 2013 Conference

The Sahara Wind project presented at the Power Industry North Africa 2013 conference

The event highlighted key power sector issues impacting Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. These countries have seen major planned developments in renewable, solar, wind energy as well as natural gas-fired generating capacity in recent years, due to increased demands.

Local and international power industry experts, government bodies and associations converged at this year's event to discuss major planned developments in solar, wind, natural gas-fired generating capacity and renewable energy.

Driving Large Scale North African Wind Markets Forward

The Sahara Wind project presented at Wind Power North Africa in Casablanca, Morocco on 27-28 November 2012

Wind Power North Africa provided a key opportunity for the wind industry to meet. With a focus on Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia Wind Power North Africa explored policy frameworks and the next steps for scaling up the region’s wind power market. North Africa boasts exceptional wind conditions – particularly along Morocco’s Atlantic coast and along the Red Sea. Morocco drives plans to have 2GW of wind capacity by 2016, Egypt targets 7.2GW of wind energy by 2020 and Tunisia recently doubled its installed wind capacity with a target of 505MW by 2016.

Energy storage for renewable electricity integration workshop

IPHE Renewable Hydrogen Workshop 2012Sahara Wind at the IPHE Renewable Hydrogen Workshop “A competitive Energy Storage Medium for large scale integration of renewable electricity” in Seville Spain | 15-16 November 2012.

Sahara Winds regional capacity building activities amongsts which Africa's First Wind Hydrogen Energy System as part of Al Akhawayn University’s Green Campus presented by the Pure Energy Centre

Sahara Wind presented at IRES2012 Energy Storage Conference

The Sahara Wind project presented at the 7th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition bcc Berlin Congress Center, November 12-14, 2012

IRES has developed into a central platform for sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas by professionals from the energy storage world on one of the key issues of future energy supply. EUROSOLAR and the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) continues the IRES series in 2012 in cooperation with EnergyAgency NRW. IRES 2012 attracted attendance from more than 40 countries with 600 attendees, repeating the success of previous years.

The conference proceedings are online since December 10, 2012. This information is accessible for all IRES 2012 attendees.

A new EU energy policy for the 21st century

A new EU energy policy for the 21st century FoE BrusselsSahara Wind at the FoE Energy Summit "A new EU energy policy for the 21st century” on November 6th 2012, in Brussels, Belgium.

Opening the Energy Summit 2012, Giles Merritt, Friends of Europe’s Secretary General mentioned that although feasible, the EU’s 20/20/20 targets rely on conjectural factors. Beyond his remarks, the European Commission’s Energy Roadmap seeks to reduce emissions by 85% by 2050, through a big range of possibilities, with rates of renewable energy ranging from 49% to 86% of total electricity production. Europe’s energy system is subject to a significant, structural transformation due to the transition to a green, low-carbon, resource efficient economy. By 2025, one million jobs will be created in renewables and energy efficiency alone.

Africa’s 1st Wind Hydrogen System Launched

Africa’s First Wind-Hydrogen System Launched

The First African initiative to make hydrogen from water using green energy has been successfully installed in Morocco. Unst, Shetland, United Kingdom, October 2, 2012 - (PressReleasePoint) -

The Pure Energy® Centre, the UK pure® fuel, renewable energy and energy storage company in collaboration with Sahara Wind Inc. and Al Akhawayn University in Morocco announce the completion of Africa’s First Wind Hydrogen System. The hydrogen system has been installed to enable the storage of excess wind energy. The installed system demonstrates that the intermittency of the wind and excess production can be resolved.

Sahara Wind Inc. of Morocco, has coordinated the installation of a wind farm consisting of three wind turbines at Al Akhawayn University , one of Morocco’s top Universities. The installation of the wind turbines meant that green energy could be used around the University campus. However, it was found that there were times where there would be excess energy produced from the wind turbines. A good example of such excess is when the wind turbines generate power at night. In this case, there would be very little load demand on the campus and the wind turbine needed to be shut down. This is why the Pure Energy® Centre was commissioned to design and install a hydrogen energy storage system. The stored energy could then be re-used at a later stage when no wind generation was available through different hydrogen applications.

Rabat Energy Forum

Rabat Energy Forum 20-21 September 2012

Sahara Wind at the Rabat Energy Forum

The Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Energy Charter Secretariat held an international conference in Rabat on 20-21 September 2012 on the topic "Creating a Competitive Integrated Regional Energy Market in the MENA Region: the Contribution of the Energy Charter ".

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region accounts for about 57% of the world's proven oil reserves and 41% of proven natural gas reserves, according to the World Bank. At the same time, the region has enormous solar energy potential. Population growth, rapid urbanisation and economic development are putting pressure on the existing infrastructure. Over the next 30 years, the total investment needs of the MENA region energy sector are estimated at over US$ 30 billion a year, or about 3% of the region's total projected GDP.

Morocco is the largest energy importer in Northern Africa. It is one of the Maghreb electricity interconnection countries, it is also a transit country for Algerian gas exports to Spain and an active participant in the Mediterranean Solar Plan. The country's legislation framework is very attractive for foreign direct investments. Its institutional system already includes the Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN), the Development Agency for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. An independent regulator for natural gas and electricity is currently being established.

NREL organizes a seminar for the Sahara Wind project

NREL.HQ.Golden.CoThe Sahara Wind Project presented at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory headquarters during a dedicated Seminar in Golden, Colorado on July 5th, 2012.

During this event Khalid Benhamou Managing Director of Sahara Wind presented regional capacity building activities carried out with institutions of Morocco and Mauritania to facilitate the access to wind technologies. These include amongst others a regional wind monitoring network established with the help of the region’s telecom operators as well as Africa’s first wind-hydrogen systems delivered to universities in both countries.

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