INDC Forum Rabat 2015

INDC Forum
Sahara Wind at INDC Forum Rabat, October 12-13 2015.

A few weeks before the Global Climate Conference in Paris -and ahead of its next Presidency- Morocco hosted the INDC Forum on 12-13 October in Rabat. Organized in collaboration with the European Commission, the United Nations Development (UNDP) and Environment (UNEP) Programmes and the Delegate Ministry of Energy, Mines and Water in charge of the Environment of the Kingdom of Morocco this Forum brought together policy makers, high level government officials, expert organizations and lead voices from the academia, private sector and civil society. The INDC Forum recognized the INDCs of 149 countries received which represent an unprecedented scale (90% of global emissions), scope and collective effort to regulate greenhouse gases. A global policy response to strengthen government actions and leverage “action agendas” is one of its key objectives.

Africa Beyond 2015 OECD Forum

Sahara Wind at the 2015 Africa Beyond 2015 OECD Forum September 9th 2015 in Berlin, Germany.

The Africa Forum is the annual gathering where OECD and African policy makers, private sector representatives, academics and civil society leaders meet to debate the performance of African economies and the challenges ahead. Organized by the OECD Development Centre and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, in collaboration with German Federal Foreign Office and in partnership with the African Union Commission, the 2015 edition focused on Africa’s development agenda beyond 2015. It did so in light of the debates on Sustainable Development Goals and Financing for Development, the impact of the continent’s future demographic development on its economic transformation, and the policy responses to climate change.

Vienna Energy Forum 2015

Sahara Wind at the Vienna Energy Forum June 18-20th 2015 in Vienna

Held a few months before the Sustainable Development Goals Summit in New York and the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in Paris, the Vienna Energy Forum brought together participants from all over the world.  As a global and multi-stakeholder forum with a mandate of exploring 21st century developmental challenges from the perspective of sustainable energy, it provided a platform for debate on practical solutions to these issues. Given that the complex issues connected to sustainable energy need to be addressed in a holistic manner, the VEF relied on all sectors of society to pave the way for tangible partnerships on the ground.

MEDCOP21 Marseille, France

MEDCOP21Sahara Wind à la MEDCOP21 les 4 et 5 juin 2015 à Marseille, France

En amont de la Conférence des parties de la COP21 à Paris et avec le soutien et la présence du Président de la République Française, la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur a organisé la MEDCOP21 à Marseille. Cet évènement a accueilli des représentants des Etats et de leurs organismes déconcentrés, ainsi que 500 représentants des acteurs en provenance de l’ensemble des pays du pourtour méditerranéen.

La MEDCOP21 a permis de souligner l’engagement commun dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Celle-ci a mis en lumière la contribution des collectivités locales, des associations, des entreprises, des réseaux constitués œuvrant en tant que catalyseurs du développement durable.

Interview du directeur de Sahara Wind à la MEDCOP21:


Sahara Wind at the 3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in The Phosphate Industry Marrakech, May 18-20th 2015.

The International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry (SYMPHOS) is a biennial event of worldwide reference dedicated to all the industry key players of phosphates and derivatives industry. This highly technological and scientific event aims to honour innovation, technology, trends in upgrading Processes of phosphates and derivatives, Research and development perspectives for the phosphate sector.

SYMPHOS is an exchange platform for different stakeholders operating in the mining industry, phosphates beneficiation, chemical processing, sulfur and sulfuric acid Production, ammonia, fertilizers, biotechnology, phosphate materials, and corrosion protection systems. It also adresses food safety issues and environmental stakes related to industrial exploitation and development of innovative Processes.

UfM Informal Ministerial Conference on Climate Change 2015

Sahara Wind at the UfM Informal Ministerial Conference on Climate Change, May 7th 2015 in Skhirat, Morocco

Along with its Mediterranean counterparts, Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the EC in charge of Climate Action and Energy, took part to the Union for Mediterranean (UfM) Informal Ministerial Conference on Climate Change, in Skhirat (Morocco). This conference dealt with the objectives to submit at the COP 21 Summit, to be held in Paris in September 2015.

De la genèse des phosphates à la sécurité alimentaire mondiale...

Sahara Wind présente "De la genèse des phosphates à la sécurité alimentaire mondiale: une troisième révolution industrielle est en marche" à l’École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées de Khouribga le 21 Avril 2015.

Attenante à l’un plus grands gisements de phosphates au monde, cette présentation effectuée à l’ENSA-Khouribga démontre le lien entre les vents alizés issus de la rotation de la terre et de ses différences de températures avec son empreinte paléontologique fossile. Celle-ci représente les plus grands gisements de phosphates au monde. Les synergies entre la transformation durable de ceux-ci en fertilisants permettra l’avènement de la troisième révolution industrielle.

Sahara Wind present its Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus to UN-ESCWA in Amman, Jordan

UN-ESCWAThe United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA) held a Meeting on the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus in the Arab Region, on March 23-25th 2015 in Amman, Jordan.

With the Arab Launch of the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All ( 2014-2024, the Sahara Wind project was presented to the Expert Group Meeting on the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus in the Arab Region, on March 24th 2015 in Amman, Jordan.

World Future Energy Summit

To stimulate dialogue on efficient renewable energy policy schemes, the Sahara Wind Project presented the Economic Impacts of Renewable Energies during the World Future Energy Summit.

At the invitation of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB), Sahara Wind took part in a joint IRENA-EIB workshop aimed at “Evaluating renewable energy manufacturing potential in the Mediterranean Partner Countries”. Prior to that, on January 19th 2015, Sahara Wind shared its regional capacity building experiences aimed at leveraging local value-creation to maximize the impacts and benefits of renewable energies in North Africa. The discussion took place during a joint IRENA-GIZ workshop focused on “The Socio-economic Benefits of Solar and Wind Energy”. During these events, representatives of regional bodies, ministries, financial institutions, private sector and development partners interacted with keys actors involved in the Renewable Energy supply chains to foster local manufacturing at local and regional levels. The World Future Energy Summit was held from January 19-22nd 2015 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

100% Renewable Energy: Boosting Development in Morocco

The Sahara Wind Project presented at the Round Table Discussion on “100% Renewable Energy: Boosting development in Morocco” by the Climate Parliament, World Future Council and 100% Renewables, Nov. 22-23 2014 in Rabat, Morocco.

In a round table discussion hosted by the WFC and Climate Parliament in November 2014, 30 Moroccan policy makers identified key challenges for the country’s renewable energy industry. The main ones are Economic and financial barriers restricting the entry to capital markets, lack of accessible financial support for small scale projects that would facilitate private consumers to install RE technologies, market failures and imperfections, where fossil fuels are still heavily subsidized (equivalent to 5.1 per cent of GDP in 2011). Political, institutional/ governance and regulatory barriers, were also listed including a lack of stable and coherent regulations, a lack of cooperation across governance levels and institutions, as well as a strong lobby in favor of existing fossil fuel-based energy monopolies.

The “100% Renewable Energy: boosting Development in Morocco” report provides an analysis on the current situation of the energy sector of Morocco and derives policy recommendations for a just transition towards a 100% Renewable Energy.

5th Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Global Entrepreneurship Summit GES2014 Logo

GES 2014 Dates
Sahara Wind at the 5th Global Entrepreneurship Summit November 19-21 2014 in Marrakech, Morocco.

The Global Entrepreneurship Summit was launched by United States President Barack Obama in 2009 as a global platform “to empower entrepreneurs with skills and resources necessary to compete and thrive in the 21st century”. Held under the theme “Harnessing the power of technology for Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, the 5th edition of GES took place in Marrakech, Morocco from 19-21 November 2014. This event provided an opportunity to celebrate entrepreneurs from around the world and a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas. Central to support entrepreneurs in their ability to unlock the economic potential of entire nations and lift people out of poverty, Morocco as host country, took this opportunity to make the Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2014 a call for action for global investors to finance new businesses and projects.

Climate Change Frameworks & Global Economy Outlook: Looking at Emerging Markets

Sahara Wind contributes to Forum MEDAYS in Tangier, November 12-15 2014.

During the event, Khalid Benhamou, Managing Director of Sahara Wind chaired two Forum sessions; namely the ‘Global Economy Outlook: Looking at The Emerging Markets’ and "Climate Changes: Towards a New Global Framework?" at the Forum MEDAYS in Tangier, Morocco.

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