
The Public Diplomacy Division Collaborative Programmes Section of NATO in charge of the “Science for Peace and Security” Program finances research projects which address Partner Mediterranean Dialogue priority areas. The Sahara Wind Energy Development Company based in Rabat, Morocco is coordinating this applied research program on a regional base aimed at co-developing New Energy Technology solutions in Morocco and Mauritania via industrial synergies.

Project brief description:

The “Sahara Trade Winds to Hydrogen: Applied Research for Sustainable Energy Systems" Project whose kick-off meeting has been held in Rabat on the 29-30th of November 2007 regroups several of Morocco and Mauritania’s education and research institutions associated to their local energy consuming industries around this joint applied research project.

This Project officially started on June 20th 2007 and the latest follow-up meeting has taken place at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco, on February 12-13 2009. The NATO SfP-982620 Project is an integral part of the mechanisms made available by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to its Mediterranean Dialogue Partner Countries.


Presentations made during the NATO SfP-982620 kick-off meeting:


Presentations from the NATO SfP-982620 follow-up meeting:


Presentations of the NATO SfP-982620 Project at the 12th IPHE SC/ILC meeting in Washington DC (USA):


Publications on the NATO Science for Peace SfP-982620 Project: 


Partner country Project Director (PPD):
Khalid Benhamou, Partner country Project Director (PPD) NATO Science for Peace - SfP 982620


Sahara Wind Inc.