CIGRE Working Group C1.35: Global Electricity Network Feasibility Study. CIGRE is a collaborative global community committed to the world's leading knowledge development programme for the creation and sharing of power system expertise.
Insights from Higher Wind and Solar Generation in the Eastern Power Grid provided in 5-minute intervals by the United States Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) high-performance computing capabilities.
Using an HVDC overlay to move the US to national 48-state electric system, rather than the current regional one, a new study shows 78% CO2 reductions with electricity cost of 8.5 to 10.2cents/kWh, compared to the current national average of 12.7cents
From vision to reality: how technology leadership will help integrate all renewable energy sources and enable Europe to meet its 2050 challenges.
ENTSO-E releases the Research & Development Roadmap 2013-2022 and Implementation Plan 2014-2016.