Sahara Wind at the INNOspace Masters “Space 4.0” ceremony in Berlin, May 17 2017.
The winners of the INNOspace Masters competition will be announced at the awards ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on 17 May 2017 in Berlin alongside a conference devoted to the competition’s theme, “Space 4.0”. The latest trends in technology transfer, innovative solutions and new business models will be presented by representatives from politics and business.
Sahara Wind at the Vienna Energy Forum 2017, May 10-12 2017.
With over 1650 participants from more than 100 countries, the Vienna Energy Forum focused on “Sustainable energy for the implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement”. The High-level forum highlighted the linkages between climate and development, along with the importance of joint and integrated approaches to leverage their associated synergies upon implementation. To “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all“ the Paris Climate Agreement calls for an unprecedented global transformation process that extends far beyond the energy sector. Innovation is urgently needed to drive this transformative agenda.
Sahara Wind at the International Energy Agency IEA workshop on “Scaling-up Renewables through Decentralised Energy Solutions” in Paris, March 28th 2017.
The IEA’s Renewable Energy Working Party (REWP) workshop brought together senior decision-makers, experts and key players from governments, municipalities, energy industries as well as IEA members, partners and Technology Collaboration Programmes. Opening-up the scope of decentralised/distributed generation at a variety scales, the event looked at the role of integrated local energy solutions in driving the global energy transformation.
Sahara Wind au Forum MEDays les 7-10 Décembre 2016.
Sahara Wind participe aux travaux de la 9ème édition du Forum des MEDays le 08 Décembre 2016. Ainsi, la session intitulée "G(olfe) – R(ussie) – I(nde) – C(hine) : Les Nouvelles Voies Stratégiques du Maroc" a été modérée par son Directeur Général, Khalid Benhamou.
Organisé sur le thème "De la Fragmentation à la Durabilité : Révolutionner les Paradigmes" par l’Institut Amadeus le Forum des pays du Sud 'MEDays 2016' s'est tenu à Tanger du 7 au 10 Décembre 2016.
De-carbonizing the world’s largest fertilizer industries presented at the “Understanding and mitigating CO2 and embedded energy in the agri-food system” COP22 side-event panel on November 11, 2016.
Sahara Wind's integrated wind-electricity pathways for the de-carbonization of the world’s largest fertilizer industries presented at COP22. China and Morocco are leading fertilizer producers capable of de-carbonizing their fertilizer industries thanks to their tremendous wind development potentials.
Over 55 Parties covering More than 55% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ratified the Paris Climate Change Agreement. From November 4th 2016 it entered into force.
According to the Climate Change Paris Agreement Status of Ratification tracker 195 Parties of 198 Parties to the Convention have since ratified this agreement, which enables it to enter into force. “The speed at which countries have made the Paris’s Agreement’s entry into force possible is unprecedented in recent experience of international agreements. This is a truly historic moment for people everywhere. The two key thresholds needed for the Paris Climate Change Agreement to become legal reality have now been met” said Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The entry into force triggers a variety of important consequences, including launch of the Agreement’s governing body, known as the CMA which took place at the annual UN climate conference, known as COP22, in Marrakech, Morocco from November 7-18 2016.
Sahara Wind at the COP22 in Marrakech, November 7-18 2016.
Hosted by Morocco the 22th Conference of the Parties (COP22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered delegates from 197 Parties to the Convention. Dubbed “The COP of Action”, COP22 took over the reins from COP21 and The Paris Agreement signed by 191 countries to limit the rise in global temperature "well below 2°C" compared to pre-industrial levels. COP 22 provided an ‘opportunity to make the voices of the most vulnerable countries to climate change heard, in particular African countries and island states’ according to Morocco’s chairmanship of the conference. It focuses on action items in order to achieve the priorities of The Paris Agreement, especially related to adaptation, transparency, technology transfer, mitigation, capacity building and loss and damages.
Sahara Wind presents ‘Paving the way to large-scale wind power developments: Morocco's pre-COP22 policies’ at the 15th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition (WWEC 2016)
The 15th World Wind Energy Conference took place in Tokyo, Japan from October 31st -November 1st 2016. Held a few days before the Marrakech COP22 conference, the WWEC 2016 Tokyo conference focused on wind power technology and approaches of how to further increase the global wind power capacity of 465 GW in the world based on engineering as well as social science. Various studies have shown that Japan is blessed with an abundance of wind such as onshore and offshore wind to rebuild and strengthen the country from the damage of the great earthquake in 2011. The wind power community around the world joined the WWEC2016 in Tokyo to make the benefits of wind power available.
During Session E-2 dedicated to ‘National and International Wind power policies’ Sahara Wind presented Morocco's pre-Cop22 Policies under the title ‘Paving the way to large-scale wind power developments’ on October 31st 2016.
Le Maroc dépose ses instruments de ratification de l’Accord de Paris à l’ONU le 21 Septembre 2016.
Le ministre des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération et Président de la COP22, Salaheddine Mezouar, a déposé les instruments de ratification du Maroc de l’Accord de Paris. Le Royaume rejoint ainsi les 59 autres pays qui ont déjà déposés leurs instruments. En tant que pays hôte de la 22èmeConférence des Parties à la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (COP22), la ratification du Maroc porte le nombre de pays qui ont adhéré à l’Accord de Paris à 60, égalant 47.62% des émissions mondiales de gaz à effets de serre. Afin que l’Accord de Paris puisse entrer en vigueur, 55 pays représentant au moins 55% des émissions mondiales doivent déposer leurs instruments de ratification auprès des Nations Unies. A cette occasion, le Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies Ban Ki-moon a annoncé « Je suis heureux de déclarer que nous avons officiellement franchi le seuil de 55 pays pour l’entrée en vigueur anticipée de l’Accord de Paris ».
Sahara Wind at the MED Conference of the European Investment Bank in Rabat, September 08 2016.
The “EIB MED Conference: Climate Action in the Mediterranean” focused on climate change adaptation, mitigation and climate finance. Three consecutive sessions on climate finance enabled panelists to interact with an audience composed of officials, experts from the private sector and the NGO community. As the world's biggest provider of climate finance, the EIB’s significant expertise leverages complementary financing sources alongside other multilateral development banks to get the private sector on board for the considerable investments that will be needed in the years ahead.
Sahara Wind à la MEDCOP CLIMAT Tanger les 18-19 Juillet 2016.
En amont de la 22ème Conférence des Parties (COP22) de la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques qui se tiendra du 7 au 18 novembre 2016 à Marrakech et avant d'en assurer la présidence, le Maroc à abrité la MEDCOP CLIMAT. Tenue à Tanger, porte de la méditerranée les 18 et 19 juillet, la deuxième édition de la MEDCOP CLIMAT a connu la participation de plus de 2000 experts du monde universitaire, du secteur privé et de la société civile. Ce forum a permis d’évaluer, partager, et consolider les contributions des pays méditerranéens. L’objectif étant de développer des plans d’actions pour les Collectivités territoriales, ONG, associations et entreprises tant pour l’atténuation que pour l’adaptation aux changements climatiques.
Conférence Marketing pays : Modéliser la Marque Maroc.
Sahara Wind a pris part aux travaux de la 1ère édition de la conférence sur la marque Maroc. Ainsi, la Session 4 intitulée « La COP22 : Quelles opportunités pour la Marque Maroc? » a été modéré par son Directeur Général, Khalid Benhamou. Organisée conjointement par l’Institut Amadeus et Maroc export, cette conférence s'est déroulée à Casablanca le 27 mai 2016.