Climate Chance 2017

Climate Chance 2017 SummitSahara Wind at ‘Climate Chance 2017’, the Climate Actors World Summit in Agadir, Morocco September 11-13, 2017

The growing mobilization of non-state actors, particularly since COP22 in Marrakech, shows that the reinforcement and progress of concrete actions taking place in territories are indeed essential to meet the objectives of the fight against climate change. In partnership with the Souss-Massa Region, this summit was the biggest event for non-state actors (local authorities, companies, NGOS, etc.) before COP23. The Climate Chance Summit was organized around a variety of events with plenaries to discuss major issues. It brought together key personalities from the international climate action sphere, high-level dialogues with climate champions and focus sessions to present significant initiatives. Forums and workshops highlighted the mobilization and acceleration of climate action.

Greening the world’s largest fertilizer industries

Decarbonizing the world’s largest fertilizer industries presented at ICOME’17 on July 09th 2017 in Tianjin, China

The trade wind-induced origins of the world’s largest phosphate-rock deposits together with Sahara Wind's integrated wind-electricity pathways for decarbonizing the world’s largest fertilizer industries presented at ICOME17. China and Morocco are leading fertilizer producers capable of eliminating carbon pathways in their fertilizer industries thanks to phosphate reserves and tremendous wind potentials. The International Conference on Material and Energy ICOME held from July 06-09 2017 in Tianjin, China provided a platform to demonstrate energy transition opportunities likely to shape low-carbon energy projects.

Energy in transition: collective energy security

Sahara Wind at the Global Forum on Energy Security June 26-27 2017

Held in Beijing, China on the theme ‘Energy in transition: Toward collective energy security’ the Global Forum on Energy Security conference promotes research and information exchanges on energy security among think tanks, government officials, diplomats and industry leaders. Hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) the Forum is a joint effort of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), the United States Energy Security Council (USESC) and the China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC). Since its inaugural conference in 2012, the Global Forum on Energy Security has become China’s premier international platform for deliberations on the changing global energy landscape and China’s role in global energy security.

Upgrading North Africa’s Phosphates into Carbon-free Fertilizers

“Gone with the wind: Upgrading North Africa’s Trade Wind-induced Phosphate Footprints into Carbon-free Fertilizers” presented at the World Wind Energy Conference, WWEC2017 in Malmö, Sweden June 12-14, 2017

The prospects for upgrading North Africa’s Phosphates into carbon-free fertilizers using wind energy as part of the phased deployment of the Sahara Wind project presented at the World Wind Energy Conference 2017. Held on the theme; Popular and Participatory Wind Power, the conference focused on how to contribute to the development of wind power with a mix of players working for the energy transformation.

Scaling-up access to the Atlantic Trade Winds

“Scaling-up the access to the Atlantic Trade Winds : the Sahara Wind project” présenté à la Morocco Renewable Energy & Power Infrastructure Investor Conference 2017  le 25 Mai, à l'Hotel The View à Rabat, au Maroc.

Organisée sous la présidence de la COP22 du Maroc, cette conférence qui se déroulera sur une journée entière accueillera toutes les parties prenantes du secteur des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique au Maroc - le Ministère de l’Energie, MASEN, l’AMEE, l’ONEE, la SIE, IRESEN et beaucoup d’autres. L’accent sera mis largement sur le partenariat et le financement des projets. A ce titre, les Institutions Financières Internationales actives dans ce secteur au Maroc y participeront : IFC, World Bank, BERD, KfW, GIZ, UNDP, Banque Africaine de Développement, etc.

INNOspace Masters “Space 4.0”

Sahara Wind at the INNOspace Masters “Space 4.0” ceremony in Berlin, May 17 2017.

The winners of the INNOspace Masters competition will be announced at the awards ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on 17 May 2017 in Berlin alongside a conference devoted to the competition’s theme, “Space 4.0”. The latest trends in technology transfer, innovative solutions and new business models will be presented by representatives from politics and business.

Sustainable Energy for the Paris Agreement at #VEF2017

Sahara Wind at the Vienna Energy Forum 2017, May 10-12 2017.

With over 1650 participants from more than 100 countries, the Vienna Energy Forum focused onSustainable energy for the implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. The High-level forum highlighted the linkages between climate and development, along with the importance of joint and integrated approaches to leverage their associated synergies upon implementation. To “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all“ the Paris Climate Agreement calls for an unprecedented global transformation process that extends far beyond the energy sector. Innovation is urgently needed to drive this transformative agenda.

Scaling-up Renewables through Decentralized Energy Solutions

Sahara Wind at the International Energy Agency IEA workshop on “Scaling-up Renewables through Decentralised Energy Solutions” in Paris, March 28th 2017.

The IEA’s Renewable Energy Working Party (REWP) workshop brought together senior decision-makers, experts and key players from governments, municipalities, energy industries as well as IEA members, partners and Technology Collaboration Programmes. Opening-up the scope of decentralised/distributed generation at a variety scales, the event looked at the role of integrated local energy solutions in driving the global energy transformation.

Golfe, Russie, Inde, Chine: Les Nouvelles Voies Stratégiques du Maroc

Sahara Wind au Forum MEDays les 7-10 Décembre 2016.

Sahara Wind participe aux travaux de la 9ème édition du Forum des MEDays le 08 Décembre 2016. Ainsi, la session intitulée "G(olfe) – R(ussie) – I(nde) – C(hine) : Les Nouvelles Voies Stratégiques du Maroc" a été modérée par son Directeur Général, Khalid Benhamou.

Organisé sur le thème "De la Fragmentation à la Durabilité : Révolutionner les Paradigmespar lInstitut Amadeus le Forum des pays du Sud 'MEDays 2016' s'est tenu à Tanger du 7 au 10 Décembre 2016.

"Greening the world's largest fertilizer industries" presented at COP22

De-carbonizing the world’s largest fertilizer industries presented at the “Understanding and mitigating CO2 and embedded energy in the agri-food system” COP22 side-event panel on November 11, 2016.

Sahara Wind's integrated wind-electricity pathways for the de-carbonization of the world’s largest fertilizer industries presented at COP22. China and Morocco are leading fertilizer producers capable of de-carbonizing their fertilizer industries thanks to their tremendous wind development potentials.

Paris Agreement enters into force

Over 55 Parties covering More than 55% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Ratified the Paris Climate Change Agreement. From November 4th 2016 it entered into force.

According to the Climate Change Paris Agreement Status of Ratification tracker 195 Parties of 198 Parties to the Convention have since ratified this agreement, which enables it to enter into force. “The speed at which countries have made the Paris’s Agreement’s entry into force possible is unprecedented in recent experience of international agreements. This is a truly historic moment for people everywhere. The two key thresholds needed for the Paris Climate Change Agreement to become legal reality have now been met” said Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The entry into force triggers a variety of important consequences, including launch of the Agreement’s governing body, known as the CMA which took place at the annual UN climate conference, known as COP22, in Marrakech, Morocco from November 7-18 2016.

COP22 Marrakech

Official Logo COP22Sahara Wind at the COP22 in Marrakech, November 7-18 2016.

Hosted by Morocco the 22th Conference of the Parties (COP22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered delegates from 197 Parties to the Convention. Dubbed “The COP of Action”, COP22 took over the reins from COP21 and The Paris Agreement signed by 191 countries to limit the rise in global temperature "well below 2°C" compared to pre-industrial levels. COP 22 provided an ‘opportunity to make the voices of the most vulnerable countries to climate change heard, in particular African countries and island states’ according to Morocco’s chairmanship of the conference. It focuses on action items in order to achieve the priorities of The Paris Agreement, especially related to adaptation, transparency, technology transfer, mitigation, capacity building and loss and damages.

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