Geopolitical and Market Implications of Renewable Hydrogen (by Harvard Kennedy School 03.2020)
This analysis shows that countries roles in global renewable hydrogen systems will be based on their levels of renewable energy resource and water endowment as well as their infrastructure potential. Australia and Morocco possess strong cost positions to access large import markets.
German National Hydrogen Strategy (10.06.2020)
The Federal Government adopted a National Hydrogen Strategy for Germany. During the ceremony, an agreement for the first industrial plant for "green hydrogen" in Africa has been signed with Morocco.
How “green steel” could replace Australia’s coal industry – and end climate wars (by the Grattan Institute 05.2020)
A Grattan Institute report on Australia's historic opportunity to create a multi-billion-dollar, export-focused manufacturing sector based on globally competitive renewable energy.
New Hydrogen Economy - Hype or Hope? (WEC-07.2019)
Falling renewable energy and fuel cell prices, stringent climate change requirements and the discrete involvement of China are leading to realistic potential for hydrogen’s role in the Grand Transition. The World Energy Council is featuring eight use cases which illustrate hydrogen’s potential.
The Future of Hydrogen - IEA Study (June 2019)
The Future of Hydrogen provides an extensive and independent survey of hydrogen that lays out where things stand now; the ways in which hydrogen can help to achieve a clean, secure and affordable energy future; and how we can go about realising its potential.
Annual Report on World Progress in Hydrogen
A Report by the Partnership for Advancing the Transition to Hydrogen (PATH) June, 2011
Study of Power-to-X opportunities in Morocco by the Fraunhofer Institute
Hydrogen Roadmap Europe
Completed in January 2019 “A SUSTAINABLE PATHWAY FOR THE EUROPEAN ENERGY TRANSITION” report showcases the view of the industry represented by Hydrogen Europe.
Sweden revolutionises its steel industry with first fossil- free plant
A newly established venture is working to establish a first-of-its-kind pilot steel plant to be fuelled with hydrogen, aiming to turn Sweden’s steel industry fossil fuels free by 2035.
Commentary: Producing industrial hydrogen from renewable energy (Source: IEA 18.04.2017)
Breaking hydrogen out of water in a way that’s both sustainable and economical could have huge consequences for a number of industries
Carbon-dioxide-free steel production
SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall have launched an initiative to solve the carbon dioxide problem in the Swedish steel industry. Together, they will initiate work to develop a steel production process that emits water rather than carbon dioxide.
"Green" ammonia is the key to meeting the twin challenges of the 21st century (Siemens)
A "Green" ammonia demonstration programme enables the switching to renewable electricity to make ammonia. Besides enhancing global food security, store excess wind-electricity and building synergies with clean-mobility industries, this can prevent over 360 million tons of CO2 worldwide from being released into the atmosphere.
German Wind-to-Hydrogen Takes Car-Fuel Battle to Tesla (RE World 06.07.2015)
Faster refueling & longer ranges: Hydrogen fuel cell vs battery vehicles. Toyota Motor Corp. Mirai's, Daimler AG, etc. supports the “H2 Mobility" network of hydrogen-friendly refueling stations accross Germany.
Wind Electrolysis: Hydrogen Cost Optimization
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report NREL/TP-5600-50408 May 2011.by Genevieve Saur, Todd Ramsden Prepared under NREL Task No. H271.3710