Sahara Wind's 5-10GW HVDC transmission project presented at the 5th RENPOWER MAGHREB INVESTORS 2020
Complementing Green Hydrogen applications and Africa's 1st Wind-Hydrogen system launched in 2012, the phased roll-out of the Sahara Wind 5-10GW HVDC line has been presented during Session 5 on ‘Regionally interconnected transmission grid, distributed generation and export’. Held Online from December 15-16, the 5th edition of the RENPOWER MAGHREB INVESTORS 2020 Conference assessed the region’s Renewable Energy, Power Infrastructures and Energy Efficiency projects. This event brought together key policy, energy and finance stakeholders from the Maghreb and beyond.
Morocco hosts the 1st World Power-to-X Summit, December 1-3 2020
Pioneered by Sahara Wind as a regional platform dedicated to Green Hydrogen and its applications, the WorldPtXSummit™ triggered high-level discussions aimed at fostering new clean energy partnerships. Organized by IRESEN and the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), this virtual Summit gathered major investors, policy makers, innovators, industry leaders and research experts. Recordings of this event are available, with a full description at
Sahara Wind at MEDaysTalks, November 10-17 2020
Substituting the annual MEDays ‘Forum of the South’ of the Institut Amadeus in Tangier, Morocco, an exceptional on-line MEDaysTalks 2020 gathered over 100 high-level panelists amongst which several former heads of governments and 40 000 participants. Held under the theme ‘In the wake of Covid-19: responses, recovery and disruptions’, several sessions have been moderated by Khalid Benhamou, CEO of Sahara Wind. Available for viewing, these can be accessed below.
Unterzeichnung der Vereinbarung für den Bau einer ersten Produktionsanlage für "grünen" Wasserstoff in Marokko am 10 Juni 2020 in Berlin
Mit der Ankündigung seiner Nationale Wasserstoffstrategie in Höhe von 9 Milliarden Euro, bestimmt Deutschland Marokko für den Bau der ersten Industrieanlage für "grünen" Wasserstoff in Afrika. Wasserstoff ist entscheidend für die Dekarbonisierung der Stahl- und Chemieindustrie sowie des Verkehrssektors. Marokko importiert mehr als 1 Million Tonnen fossiles Ammoniak, um seine weltweite Phosphat Düngemittelindustrie zu unterstützen. Durch massive Windenergievorkommen kann man vor Ort grünen Wasserstoff zur Ammoniaksynthese nützen. Zur Unterstützung dieses Projekts wurde die Vereinbarung zwischen den beiden Regierungen für den Bau einer ersten Produktionsanlage für "grünen" Wasserstoff unterzeichnet.
Der Sahara Wind Projekt HGÜ-Skaleneffekt auf die Afrika-Europa Stromverbindung wurde während des Workshops 'Horizon 2050 HVDC technologies' am 4. Februar 2020 in Brüssel vorgestellt.
Auf Einladung der Generaldirektion für Energie der Europäischen Kommission nahm Sahara Wind am Workshop ‘Horizon 2050-Energiesysteme und die Rolle von HGÜ-Technologien bei der stark dezentralen Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien’ in Brüssel teil. Auf Grundlage der aktuellen HGÜ-Entwicklungen haben Netzbetreiber und Experten aus der HGÜ-Industrie die Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten der Gleichstromtechnologien im bestehenden Stromnetz bewertet. Während der Sitzung, "HGÜ-Entwicklungen - Perspektiven- / Umsetzungsprojekte EEPR CEF PCI" wurde der HGÜ-Skaleneffekt des Sahara-Wind-Projekts auf die Afrika-Europa Stromverbindung vorgestellt. Es folgte eine Diskussion über die künftige Architektur der stark dezentralen Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energiesysteme in der EU. Wobei HGÜ-Technologien und Netze auf regionaler Ebene stark integriert werden müssen.
Sahara Wind moderates “Power-to-X for a cross-regional energy transition” at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Brussels, February 17 2020
Is there a missing international link in the European Green Deal? Is it the right framework for a Power-to-X and Hydrogen ramp-up? Can EU climate targets be leveraged in the context of a Euro-Mediterranean energy transition? By answering these questions in a Workshop Panel organized at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Brussels, a lively debate ensued. It involved the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) as well as European industrial operators and their Morocco applied research (IRESEN) and Tunisia counterparts, in the presence of Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission.
Sahara Wind at COP25 in Madrid, December 2019
Showcasing Success of Renewable Energy Technologies Working Together, Sahara Wind was invited by the REN Alliance to present Global Wind Energy achievements. REN Alliance is a coalition of five renewable industry organizations regrouping Hydro, Solar, Wind, Biomass and the Geothermal sector. Its aim is to demonstrate how renewables can work together in different local, national and regional contexts to meet the world’s energy needs. Sahara Wind attended COP25 on behalf of the World Wind Energy Association.
Sahara Wind at MEDays, November 13-16 2019
The MEDays 2019 Forum on "The global distrust crisis: facing subversion and uncertainties” from 13th to 16th November 2019 in Tangier – Morocco, gathered over 4500 participants with several heads of state to assess the current state of play in global affairs. As a ‘Forum of the South’ of the Institut Amadeus focused on the African continent the “Global Energy Governance” workshop and the panels on "Energy & Power: Connecting the Continent, Improving Security, Financing Projects” have amongst others, been moderated by Khalid Benhamou, CEO of Sahara Wind.
Sahara Wind at the Paris Peace Forum, November 11-13 2019
The Paris Peace Forum is the annual international meeting for all actors of global governance initiated by French President Emmanuel Macron. As a global platform for governance of project, the Paris Peace Forum looks for solutions that help minimize international tensions: cooperation to fight climate change and resource scarcity, institutions to channel power rivalries and administer global public goods, justice to assuage grievances, and regulation to address inequalities and abuses of power. To reinvent contemporary cooperation with 140 countries represented, this high-level event gathered over 7000 participants amongst which 33 heads of state and governments.
‘The Sahara Wind project Atlantic trade winds powering Africa’s 1st Multi-Gigawatt regional transmission infrastructure’ presented at the Energy Law Group’s 6th Energy Event in Copenhagen
The Energy Law Group’s 6th Energy Event looked at the Sahara Wind project phased roll-out. During the ‘Energy and mining in Africa | Opportunities and challenges’ workshop, Sahara Wind demonstrated how transformative wind-desalinated agriculture, carbon-free iron-ore and phosphate processing are likely to provide a scaled, operational balancing to Africa’s 1st Multi-Gigawatt HVDC transmission infrastructure. Created in 1993, the Energy Law Group offers market leading advice to corporations, banks, state entities, regulators and institutions operating in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and beyond.
Sahara Wind presented at the Millennium Fellowship Initiative at the Mohamed VI Polytechnic University in Benguerir, July 12-13 2019
Organized by the Moroccan Millennium Leaders Association (MML) with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Office Cherifien des Phosphates (OCP Group), the first edition of the Global Energy Initiative brought together more than 100 young people from 12 regions of Morocco. Coached by opinion leaders, institutional officials and managers in a series of workshops under the theme of "Collective Intelligence for Sustainable Development", participants initiated this inclusive leadership program aimed at the South, based on shared and mutual support values.
Sahara Wind at the EU Sustainable Energy Week Policy Conference in Brussels, June 18-20 2019
In order to decarbonize the European steel industry responsible for 30% of the EU’s industrial emissions, 400 TWh of additional renewable electricity will be needed. This capacity is close to that of an entire country like France. Pioneering electrochemical technologies in Mauritania whose main economy relies on iron-ore exports, the Sahara Wind project provides a unique setting for the carbon-free transformation of iron-ore into steel. The European Sustainable Energy Week (#EUSEW19) enabled lively discussions over these issues. Sahara Wind provided its contribution for achieving the EU’s ambitious deep decarbonization goals by 2050, to meet the Paris agreement’s objectives.